Category Archives: Action & Adventure

Disorder of War by N.J. Shamey – Review

Title – Disorder of War
Author – N_J_Shamey
Genre – Action & Adventure – Fiction
Length – 280 Pages
Publication – March 2015
My Rating – 4/5 Stars


Dagan Sharaf must lead an inexperienced new company in the Legions of Katora as they fight for survival and face the rigors of combat. An old enemy of the Kingdom has found pretense for war and launched an invasion to seize control of the lucrative trade cities. Dagan’s unit is deployed to stem the enemy tide and regain lost territories. The company struggles to master the art of war and learn to depend on each other as battle-brothers. At the same time, Dagan must balance his own selfish motives with the needs of his men.

Will he teach them the soldier’s trade before it is too late?


First off.. after reading the synopsis and looking at the cover I was immediately interested to read this book. I won’t lie, I buy books not only based on reviews but the cover needs to grab me and boy did this one get my attention.

I had high hopes for this book and the author didn’t disappoint. This is a very good military themed story with a hint of religion and the super natural.. a great combination in my book!

The author gives the reader a great insight to the world he’s created and the armies within without you getting bogged down in too much detail which keeps you engaged and helps the book flow. Even for me I read this book fast. Two days! That is all credit to the author and his style of writing.

The main focus of this book is on Dagan and Company E and the story does a good job or showing the relationships within the group grow. The author has definitely wrote what has the potential to be an awesome series and I hope he builds on this book and gives a bit more insight to Dagan’s past in the next book

Dagan is a brilliant character but this book has a few more gems in Neway and Gill. Loved them both. Lets hope they have a big part in the next book 🙂

Ok, so you want to know why I’ve given it a four star rating? Well two things. First being this book had a very interesting religious undertone which the author gives more light to in the Lore section at the end of the book. Personally I would have liked to read this before the main story to help me understand the setup a bit better.

Secondly the book ended rather abruptly, a great setup for book 2 admittedly but it I just didn’t feel like a natural end to the book.

Neither of these things ruined any of my enjoyment of the book. It’s a cracking first instalment and I’m more than eager to read more

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