Category Archives: Epic Fantasy

The Last of the Bear Tribe by Joey Tawil – REVIEW

Today I’m reviewing The Last of the Bear Tribe by Joey Tawil.

This book came recommended by a colleague at work so I was eagar to take a look!

Here’s the blurb

Sam and Jemma stood facing the oncoming raiders with no weapons.

As the raider drew near, the air shimmers by Sam and Jemma’s right hands; an axe appeared in Sam’s hand, while a sword appeared in Jemma’s.

The raiders were dead in a few heartbeats and the weapons shimmered out of existence.

The bears were back.


The Last of the Bear Tribe is a epic fantasy tale condensed to allow younger readers to enjoy and work their way into the genre without overloading them.

Sam awakes one day, his memory lost.. Left for dead on the battle field. As he makes his way in the world to try and find safety he runs into Jemma.

Jemma is on her own journey to find out more about herself.

While they have never met they both have the same goal.. Find the truth about themselves.. For this reason they stick together and try to put the pieces together.

Along the way we get introduced to new, fresh and interesting characters pivotal to the plot itself.

While on their journey they learn about a tribe who had almost been wiped out by their enemies.. Only a few survived but where are they? And what’s it got to do with them?

The tale unfolds at pace and we learn of treachery in the past that threatens their very future..Can they find out the truth and put an end to the deceit and get justice for the Bear tribe at the same time?

I’m a keen reader of young adult books, as a kid I was never much encouraged to read so I missed the stage in life of working my way up through young adult fiction to adult fiction, their can sometimes be a big jump for a young reader, so when you see a gem like The Last of the Bear Tribe I have to get a review out there to let people know just how good it really is! Even if I help sell 1 copy then I’ll class that as a success 🙂

The plot flowed well and was very enjoyable, I kind of didn’t want it to end as I was enjoying it that much.

Development worked well, it’s very fast paced but there’s still time to get to grips with the characters and motivations.

It’s that good I kind of wish it would be developed into an adult epic fantasy just to see what else could be injected into the tale as you can see so much potential within the plot.

My only real comment..and it’s not a negative.. but the synopsis doesn’t sell the book to me.. it teases but there’s so much more!

Easy 5* from David’s Book Blurg!

To find out more head to Goodreads or Amazon.

BLOG TOUR – Conflict and Loyalties : The Battle for Gritheim Book 2 by Anna Allen!

Today Is my stop on the blog tour for Conflict and Loyalties by Anna Allen!

Here’s the blurb

FOR THREE YEARS, Gritheim has been torn asunder.

Pestilences ravage the land, and the harvests have failed again, driving up the cost of bread. Emaciated animals are dying. The king becomes less popular each day, and civil war knocks at the palace gates.

The Master is smug.

His immortals recruit nobles and their troops to challenge and depose the king.

Soon, he will be able to step forward and take his rightful place. He needs one more thing—the key to The Book of Realms.

The book will show him how to create spells to help him conquer the land and all its inhabitants.

Two young people thwart his plans.

Even untold riches and immortality won’t tempt them. Leonné, an untrained Elementalist, has married Roland D’Abernon against her will, but Roland hasn’t consummated the marriage yet and, therefore, hasn’t stolen her powers.

Saving her from this atrocity is the knight Fitzsimmons, a great warrior. Rumors suggest his abnormal strength is due to his undeveloped magical powers. The Master must persuade Fitzsimmons to join him or do all he can to destroy him.

This dark fantasy is packed with magic, witchcraft, and swordplay. Become drawn into a world of sorcery in this gripping sequel to Rise of the Immortals.


Conflict and Loyalties  is book 2 in The Battle for Gritheim series and picks up where the last book left us. While the flow is great, I’d certainly suggest reading the first book in the series if you haven’t just to understand the character setup.

Fitzsimmons and Leonné’s connection grows as does their powers.. and they are going to need all their skills to defeat the evil forces of The Master.

There’s an influx of new characters which allowed the author the chance to explore scenarios allowing our main two heroes to grow, learn and use those skills.

I particularly liked Fitzsimmons needing to control his emotions.. I won’t spoil why.. but lets just say he’s a different person when he gets angry.

The best thing about the book was the development of the world as you learn more about the kingdoms, who’s who, who supports who.. where strengths and weaknesses lie.. book 1 was all about setting up the characters which is now perfectly balanced with development across the board.

I really enjoyed the growth of Roland too. He’s driven by the desire to become immortal but if he displeases his master then there’s no chance of that happening.

The Master seems to hide in the shadows a lot.. he’s an unknown quantity for the most part but this just added some mystery to everything.. if he’s so strong how long before he makes an appearance?

The author really makes you connect to the characters.. you end up enjoying the good guys.. you hate the bad guys… when a character is frustrated you feel that frustration too!

Overall it’s a great sequel packed to the brim of action and development.. it’s fast paced and goes from 0 to 100 in a blink of an eye. Really fun and enjoyable and perfect for those readers who just want action, action, action.

4/5 Stars.  

My thanks go to the author, publisher and Zoé @ for having me on the tour!

Today might be the last day of the tour but why not check out the other reviews on the stops?

Dawn’s Bio

Dawn Bolton writes romances and crime/romantic suspense under the name of Toni Bolton, fantasy novels under the name of Anna Allen and historical romance/ suspense novels under the name of Alexie Bolton.

Fascinated by history and law she studied both and taught law in higher education. These subjects inspire many of her books.

She lived in a boat while she studied at unviersity and now lives in a pub, she and her husband renovated near the Grand Union Canal with two fluffy Birman vandals. She loves aqua, yoga and Zumba and draws and paints in her spare time.

Her family are psychic and some of their experiences inspired some of her fantasy and paranormal novels. She’s fascinated by the occult and herbal medicine and brings these into her latest dark fantasy novels.

She loves hearing from her readers and getting feedback.

Dawn’s Links


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BLOG TOUR – Rise of the Immortals : The Battle for Gritheim Book 1, by Anna Allen.

Today it’s my turn on the blog tour for Rise of the Immortals : The Battle for Gritheim Book 1, by Anna Allen.

Here’s the blub

In a world of rising magic, an unseen battle commences. The Gods of Gritheim release their instruments – for good and evil.

While many scoff at witchcraft and sorcery, Josse and Leonné have witnessed it firsthand. Thrown together by prophesy they must learn to wield their secret magic, to defend not only themselves but the kingdom of mortals. Wraiths, known as Drackarts, do the bidding of Guiscard D’Abernon and his sorceress wife, Orella, but the masters behind these puppets are the ones set on its destruction.

The Immortals of Gritheim are on the rise, seeking ultimate power and control; they care not how many thousands will be slaughtered in their path. Only the Redeemers stand in their way.

Josse and Leonné must overcome their dislike of each other, for their world is at stake.

For fans of thrilling epic fantasy that will keep you turning pages!


The story starts strong as we meet young Josse. His life is currently one of torment at the hands of someone who should protect him… why does this man hate him so?

It quickly becomes clear there’s a hidden past and his protector isn’t the person we might have assumed.

Josse shows his true strength and weathers the storm around him.. determined that one day things will be different.. he must find out who he truly is..but it’s not going to be easy..or pain free.

The day for Josse to escape his torment comes sooner than he expects, and his life is changed forever as he is forced to flee…after a chance meeting with Leonné.

Fast forward some years and these two are set to cross paths again.

The blurb is really what sucked me in.. epic fantasy is something I just love, and Rise of the Immortals didn’t disappoint. It was the perfect setup for the series, introducing the characters and the backstory but at the same time leaving tit bits of info here and there as unknowns.. perfect for twists and turns as the series progresses.

Pace and flow are super important for me, and this offering was perfect. The story flows without any fluff.. the writer has the plot nailed perfectly and the direction of events is clear and easy to follow.

Character, wise I felt the development was natural and didn’t feel forced. There’s just the right amount of backstory to understand motivations and it really helps you get to know the characters well.

Focusing on the fantasy aspect I loved Guiscard D’Abernon and the Drackarts. I particularly liked how the author teased there’s more going on than we currently know, and this just made me super keen to keep reading and eager for more.

For fans of Epic Fantasy there’s plenty for you to get your teeth into. It’s super easy flow wise to follow and there’s just the right amount of teasing… there’s energy building and you just know there’s good things to come.

Rise of the Immortals lays strong foundations and I’m super excited to see where this goes. I’m keen to learn more about the world the characters live in and excited to see them develop.

4/5 Stars

My thanks go to the author, publisher and Zoé @ for having me on the tour!

Today might be the last day of the tour but why not check out the other reviews on the stops?

Dawn’s Bio

Dawn Bolton writes romances and crime/romantic suspense under the name of Toni Bolton, fantasy novels under the name of Anna Allen and historical romance/ suspense novels under the name of Alexie Bolton.

Fascinated by history and law she studied both and taught law in higher education. These subjects inspire many of her books.

She lived in a boat while she studied at unviersity and now lives in a pub, she and her husband renovated near the Grand Union Canal with two fluffy Birman vandals. She loves aqua, yoga and Zumba and draws and paints in her spare time.

Her family are psychic and some of their experiences inspired some of her fantasy and paranormal novels. She’s fascinated by the occult and herbal medicine and brings these into her latest dark fantasy novels.

She loves hearing from her readers and getting feedback.

Dawn’s Links


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Blog Tour – The Summoned Ones: Book 1 Flight to Bericea by Darryl A. Woods – Review!

Today is my turn on the blog tour for The Summoned Ones: Book 1 Flight to Bericea by Darryl A. Woods, organised by the brillant Emma @ 𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚋𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚜.𝚌𝚘𝚖. I received a copy of the book for review but loved it that much I’ve bought a copy too!

Here is the blurb –

The Bericean army was in Malabrim for the ninth straight fighting season. Over the past 9 years, Zybaro, the leader of a small band of unknowns, had evolved from his days as a minor usurper of a tiny kingdom. Now, almost the entire country of Malabrim was under Zybaro’s control, and his army was large enough to easily challenge Bericea’s army. Still, Bericea continued its raids into Malabrim, hoping to stem Zybaro’s methodical progress and thwart his tyrannical means of control. Zybaro had seized village after village, forcing anyone capable of joining his army and enslaving all who remained in deplorable working conditions to supply his army.

This latest conflict with Zybaro had pushed General Darnon to a decision, one he had resisted making for over a year. Though he still held grave reservations about the Prophecies, he was willing to support the clerics who would attempt the summoning. The details of the ritual had recently been discovered in an ancient tome. The clerics were confident they could bring forth the Summoned Ones of Prophecy, those mysterious beings who would aid Bericea in its time of greatest need.

Darnon also had concerns about the location of the summoning. It would have to take place farther into Malabrim than they had ventured in many years. And even if the ritual was effective, it would be a great challenge to get the Summoned Ones safely back to Bericea, in addition to the soldiers sent to protect them. However, Darnon felt that morale was so low, if they survived this battle, he owed his troops the hope the summoning ritual could bring.

Join the soldiers of Bericea and the Summoned Ones through a life-or-death struggle. The Summoned Ones was made up of a small college aged group of friends from a small Kentucky town near the Daniel Boone National Forrest, who find themselves somehow brought to a chaotic world through magic. Their epic journey will push the Summoned beyond the limits of their endurance. This unlikely group will discover many truths about themselves and experience another world beyond their imagination.


A war is being fought and the Bericea army need their champions, the prophesied Summoned Ones to enter the fray. The opening chapter introduces you to some of our heroes in this war.. as soon as I turned the page, I knew I needed more.

The Summoned Ones aren’t battle hardened warriors though.. They are a bunch of friends whisked away from their home on a magical journey to another world.

As Epic fantasy goes this ticks the boxes…book 1 is about laying the foundations and developing the characters. The author takes time to cover each main player in the book in detail, you learn their strengths in this new world.. each has their own role to play in the events that will follow. The connections.. their traits.. it all leads to the characters being very likable and interesting.

It’s rare for me to say I enjoyed every characters but I truly did.. no one seems out of place.. each has their own story being told. I loved the good guys… and I loved the bad guys.

I love a book to flow well and I’m not overly keen on long chapters.. if you are going to do long chapters you need to capture the audience which this author certainly did superbly.. it was enthralling..

There is a lot of detail in the book but nothing felt forced.. rather it is given when needed and not overdone. The detailed descriptions helped me envisage the world the author created, and I easily managed to immerse myself. I found the whole idea of how the magic was harnessed/used fascinating.

I felt the tone is set right for a young adult epic fantasy novel.. It’s clear from the start what roles the Summoned Ones play but I liked that.. I liked seeing them develop as when they arrive they just aren’t ready for the task ahead. They need to grow.

The last chapter really stood out for me.. it’s slightly darker and we learn more of Zybaro and his dark arts.. but wow! More of that please!

Overall a great start.. who doesn’t love the idea and sword fighting and magic? foundations laid perfectly for the series and I’m intrigued to read more.

4/5 Stars!

To find out more head to Goodreads or Amazon. (Shop local if you can though)

My thanks go to Emma @ 𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚙𝚎𝚋𝚋𝚕𝚎𝚜.𝚌𝚘𝚖. for having me on the tour.. why not follow along?


The Innkeeper by MJ Porter as JE Porter – Review

Next up on David’s Book Blurg I’m reviewing The Innkeeper by MJ Porter as JE Porter.

Here’s the blurb

Mann has a secret he can tell no one, and it’s not that the beguiling whores of Slutet believe he’s the best shag they’ve ever had.

No, being able to summon anything he wants, from thin air, is not something he wants to share. Neither is the fact that he has no recollection of his past, or that, as time goes on, his life never ends. (He doesn’t mind if the whores want to tell everyone about his prowess in the bedchamber, mind, and neither does he mind sharing it with all who come asking).

Not that his summoning power is his only secret, but the end of the millennia and a meeting of apparent strangers might be about to answer the questions he never even realised he had.

Whether a Nine or a None, Mann has a duty only he can fulfil, and this cycle, he’s failed, spectacularly. But there’s always tomorrow, or, rather, yesterday, to do it all over again, if he can only find what he lost.

As a Nine or a None, Mann must uncover his destiny by revisiting the past.


The Innkeeper follows Mann.. he appears out of nowhere near Slutet.. why or how he doesn’t  know but he soon learns he has a special ability to summon the things he needs to survive.. but where do they come from and why does he have this power?

Full disclosure this book is like nothing I’ve read before.. it’s a magical fantasy/mystery tale but Mann is quite an enigma so the only thing you learn quickly is that he likes the word fuck a lot and he’s fond of his lady friends.

Mann soon settles in Slutet as an Innkeeper. As the years pass he sees those he knows live and die.. but he’s still here….and he’s not aged a day… at some point people will start to notice won’t they? Surely? He needs an exit plan.

This is a complex plan involving him leaving his home… at least for a while.

Just when he feels he has a way out others like him appear.. they are searching for someone.. is it him? If not who?

The major issue is he doesn’t know who he can trust…and even if they seem honest is this just an act?

As the tale progresses we see Mann learn to master his powers which made the chapters intriguing as he tried to put his plan into action.

The Nine and the None are a fun idea.. neither group seems to really know who is which or if they even like each other but the conversations between them were fun to read.

Looking at characters The Innkeeper has a vast array of weird and wonderful  individuals to get to know.. not many like to give much away though.. but it’s this lack of connection with them that actually makes them very appealing.

The plot itself is insane..crazy and bloody marvellous.. I can’t quite explain it.

For being so wonderfully strange and original it’s a 4* star from me.. The Nine and the None are so mysteriously baffling and I found myself really enjoying it.

To find out more head to Goodreads or Amazon.

4/5 Stars.

The Bastard Cadre by Lee Carlon – Review

Next up on David’s Book Blurg I’m reviewing The Bastard Cadre by Lee Carlon

Here’s the blurb

Genre – Epic Fantasy/Dystopian

Take a stand. Defy the gods.

Avril was raised salvaging tech in the dead cities left behind after the apocalypse. He was happy, living quietly and avoiding the chosen’s holy wars, but a chance encounter reveals people are coming for him. Whether he wants it or not, he has a role to play in the holy wars and life will never be the same again. Neutrality is not an option for Avril as forces on all sides of the conflict learn who and what he is and set plans in motion to use him to gain the upper hand.

The Bastard Cadre is an ambitious science fantasy saga set in a futuristic dystopia where dragons soar above cities of technological splendor, and what’s left of humanity must choose between kneeling to malevolent gods and risking annihilation to fight them.


I actually read The Bastard Cadre series some time ago and loved only comment to the author was the covers lacked the first impression to make a reader buy the book.. well the author has clearly took that on-board and has released the series with fab new covers..not only that but book 1 in the series has had a rewrite… and to tease me there’s also now a book 5 to the series I’ve yet to read. To do the series justice I thought the best idea was to read the series again from the start to enjoy the ride once again J

What originally caught my eye was the author’s tag line.. epic fantasy without the word count. At 178 pages it’s perfect for a quick read and a great way to test if a series is for you.

The Bastard Cadre is the best series I’ve read and the rewrite for book 1 served only to improve on what I deemed perfection.. as if that was even possible.

The tale follows Avril.. he’s being raised (or rather protected) by Ethan Godkin but why?

After Avril and Ethan are attacked while on the road their life is turned upside down and Ethan does everything in his power to protect Avril… and that means calling someone he’d rather not..he’s stuck in a hard place and there doesn’t appear to be an easy way out.

Set in a futuristic dystopia era where cities are now wasteland you can’t trust anyone as most are struggling to survive… only the rich thrive while the gods play their little games.

A series of events lead Avril to the conclusion he’s not just another lost soul..he’s part of something bigger…but what…. there’s a connection to the gods themselves.. but why was Ethan hiding this truth?  Who can he trust?

I really enjoyed the setting along with the futuristic technology used by Avril to stay alive. I’ll be honest.. the plot was great and the setting perfect.. the detail given in under 200 pages sucks the reader in and leaves so many questions open setting the series up perfectly.

5/5 stars!

To find out more head to Amazon or Goodreads

Rise of the Warlords by Brian K. Larson – Review

Next up on David’s Book Blurg I’m reviewing Rise of the Warlords by Brian K. Larson

Here’s the blurb

Genre – Epic Fantasy/Science Fiction

Journey along with Gor’con of the Crimson Guild as he tells the stories of how his ancestors became the Warlords. Answering an urgent call from Empress Ruki’ Grey’con, Admiral Jedidiah Fitz and Colonel Race Jennings return to the Rising Star of Antares. When they arrive, their former Queen Danielle is told that the Kron’Shulooka has returned and so has the beast of the trenches – the deadly Antarian Dragon.

Empress Ruki’ reveals to them that several tombs were discovered empty when the Dragon’s screech returned to Serintin once again. Danielle’s Bron Vis’Ka was not successful as the scrolls foretold, sending Danielle, and Jed’s team, on a dangerous quest. Now they must unravel the mysterious disappearance of their missing dead and to harvest more of the dragon’s blood to partake of the blood spirit once again.


Rise of the Warlords is book 4 in the Warlords series by Brian K. Larson. After the events of book three in the series you could be forgiven for thinking that was the end of the journey but with Brian K. Larson you know the end is never going to come that quick.. he has a talent for keeping a series going, so I was more than a little pleased when book 4 was released.

Just when Race and Danielle thought they could get back to life on Earth we find out that the blood lust will return to the Rising Star of Antares and the Warlords will once again rise unless Danielle partakes of the blood spirit one final time.

Once we are back in the thick of the action we learn of the disappearance of those we thought were dead.. including Dumakas and it’s time to look to the past to save the future.

Something I really enjoyed was the back story as we learn more about the history of the Warlords and how they came to be. Perfectly paced and with great detail made this the most riveting of the series yet..the author even managed to give time to describe some of the planets visited which made the tale come alive.

Brian K. Larson is clearly a fan of the epic fantasy/science fiction saga and I for one thoroughly enjoy his’s fun and exciting and his style of writing is easy to read. Rise of the Warlords is a fast paced tale..take your time and enjoy the ride.

For me the word to describe this latest instalment is can really start to see the bigger picture. Sometimes you can get sucked along for the ride, this time Brian gives you time to reflect and learn’s a winner for me! I really enjoyed the character development too as we see emotional bonds tested. Loved it!

5/5 stars!

To find out more head to Amazon or Goodreads

Young Warlock by Mathew Bridle – The One Saga – Review

Next up on David’s Book Blurg is Young Warlock by Mathew Bridle.

Here’s the blurb

Genre – Epic/High Fantasy

On his graduation day at the University of Elements Dekor is shown how to conjure fire, an art forbidden to mages. He immediately succumbs to the lust of the flame. Now a battlemage Dekor is expected to climb through the ranks and become a great mage. His experiments with fire lead him to a confrontation with the Archmage resulting in Dekor becoming a wanted criminal.
He sets out on a night of lust driven destruction securing his transformation to warlock. Now he must flee for his life, pursued by hunters who will stop at nothing to bring him in. He heads north, through dark, spider infested forests, over mountains and through dangerous swamps where he encounters Icthus, a truth provoking creature who becomes his friend. Icthus guides Dekor to a place of refuge but first they must scale vast cliffs and traverse the plains of Oumtuk before they can reach the safety of Gamran Mire where the next part of his journey begins.
Dekor is asked by the enemy of the mages to help them open a magical doorway into the Cavern of Souls though what they really want is something different. With Icthus as guide the party sets out on a simple quest. When he returns Dekor finds he has something unexpected.
War has come to lands of men. Dekor’s homeland is laid waste by armies of goblins and the undead. The people of land flee to the neighbouring kingdom of Grimlaw where they live as refugees. The mage guild is no more, Dekor is a free man. Now he must put his inner demons rest and to put right the wrongs of his night of lust.


From the outset I had a feeling I would like this book, the blurb screams potential.

Dekor is a battlemage, training to offer his support wherever he may be needed..but as with all magic there’s a dark side to tempt you and Dekor is unable to keep his lust for fire in check and turns to the darkness.

All is not as is seems though, there’s a plan and the One has his eye on Dekor and others. With the aid of allies the One sets up the chessboard ready for the war to come. A prophecy long ago foretold is about to come to fruition but many are blind to the danger they are in.

This is most certainly the kind of book I want to read when I think of epic fantasy, there’s gnomes, dwarfs, goblins, orcs and trolls to name just a few! plus the gods they pray too.

The pace of the tale for the most part works well and builds up the plot nicely but at times it did seem things progressed rather fast so didn’t get much page time, one major event stands out.. I’d love to be specific but that would ruin a big piece of the plot… The chapters could have probably done with a timeline of sorts.

What the author gets spot on for me is the setting and its characters..both grew nicely as the tale progressed helping me as a reader understand the bigger picture. I particularly found Icthus and Gestorn highly fascinating. Dekor himself has the most page time and therefore the most growth throughout the tale and it worked pretty well. I’d loved to have seen more inner struggles with the fire.

One of the best things about the book is the build-up, you never quite know who to trust and what their true motives are.. even the One. It made for an exciting read.

Easy 4* for me! I’ll definitely add Mathew Bridle to my authors to look out for list as I’d like to see where the story goes as the ending leaves me in no doubt the adventure will continue.

My thanks go to the author and Charles at Publishing Push for the chance to read/review the book.

To find out more head to Amazon or Goodreads