The Last of the Bear Tribe by Joey Tawil – REVIEW

Today I’m reviewing The Last of the Bear Tribe by Joey Tawil.

This book came recommended by a colleague at work so I was eagar to take a look!

Here’s the blurb

Sam and Jemma stood facing the oncoming raiders with no weapons.

As the raider drew near, the air shimmers by Sam and Jemma’s right hands; an axe appeared in Sam’s hand, while a sword appeared in Jemma’s.

The raiders were dead in a few heartbeats and the weapons shimmered out of existence.

The bears were back.


The Last of the Bear Tribe is a epic fantasy tale condensed to allow younger readers to enjoy and work their way into the genre without overloading them.

Sam awakes one day, his memory lost.. Left for dead on the battle field. As he makes his way in the world to try and find safety he runs into Jemma.

Jemma is on her own journey to find out more about herself.

While they have never met they both have the same goal.. Find the truth about themselves.. For this reason they stick together and try to put the pieces together.

Along the way we get introduced to new, fresh and interesting characters pivotal to the plot itself.

While on their journey they learn about a tribe who had almost been wiped out by their enemies.. Only a few survived but where are they? And what’s it got to do with them?

The tale unfolds at pace and we learn of treachery in the past that threatens their very future..Can they find out the truth and put an end to the deceit and get justice for the Bear tribe at the same time?

I’m a keen reader of young adult books, as a kid I was never much encouraged to read so I missed the stage in life of working my way up through young adult fiction to adult fiction, their can sometimes be a big jump for a young reader, so when you see a gem like The Last of the Bear Tribe I have to get a review out there to let people know just how good it really is! Even if I help sell 1 copy then I’ll class that as a success 🙂

The plot flowed well and was very enjoyable, I kind of didn’t want it to end as I was enjoying it that much.

Development worked well, it’s very fast paced but there’s still time to get to grips with the characters and motivations.

It’s that good I kind of wish it would be developed into an adult epic fantasy just to see what else could be injected into the tale as you can see so much potential within the plot.

My only real comment..and it’s not a negative.. but the synopsis doesn’t sell the book to me.. it teases but there’s so much more!

Easy 5* from David’s Book Blurg!

To find out more head to Goodreads or Amazon.

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