BLOG TOUR – SIN:THETICA by Keith Anthony Baird

Today is my stop on the blog tour for SIN:THETICA by Keith Anthony Baird

As a fellow Baird (no relation to my knowledge ha) it felt right to jump on board with this tour and I can tell you now I’m so glad I did!

Here’s the blurb

The Sino-Nippon war is over.

It is 2113 and Japan is crushed under the might of Chinese-Allied Forces.

A former Coalition Corps soldier, US Marine Balaam Hendrix is now a feared bounty hunter known as ‘The Reverend’.

In the sprawl of NeuTokyo, on this lawless frontier, he must track down the rogue employee of a notorious crime lord.

But, there’s a twist.

His target has found protection inside a virtual reality construct and Hendrix must go cyber-side to corner his quarry. The glowing neon signs for SIN:THETICA are everywhere, and promise escape from a dystopian reality.

But will it prove the means by which this hunter snares his prey, or will it be the trap he simply can’t survive?


Set in the future we meet Balaam Hendrix, a former Marine who’s done his time and has the scars to show for it.

Hendrix is a now feared bounty hunter…no one can escape his justice once he’s got them in his sight..

An interesting offer comes knocking on his door.. and although it screams “danger”  Hendrix can’t turn down the money..and he’s smart too.. it might be more of an issue for him if he ignores the offer so he might as well make some money out of the situation.

What’s the job you might ask.. well he’s got to track someone down…and keep them alive long enough for his employer to mete out justice..  not his typical job.. he’s usually a shoot first kind of guy but Hendrix can manage it.

Then the twist hits.. the mark is protected.. protected by virtual reality.. if he’s brought out too soon he would die and that wouldn’t please his employer so Hendrix heads into the cyber world to track the man down.

Now this is where the twists really come.. there’s lots of action showing the skill Hendrix has but at the same time the cogs are turning and Hendrix knows things aren’t adding up.. but why?  What’s the end game here… it just doesn’t make sense.

The ending left me shocked but quite in awe too.. it was a real curveball and a damn good one too.

I know I bang on about pace and flow but damn.. SIN:THETICA nails it! There’s never time to get bored or tired.. it’s exciting and engaging and the story flows naturally.

And do you want to know the craziest thing? You get all of that for less than £1 on kindle!! Like how can you say no to that??

Super 5* read!

My thanks go to Keith, Brigids Gate Press and Zoé at Zooloo’s Book Tours for allowing me to take part in the tour today! It was a delight to be part of it, a joy to read the book and my absolute pleasure to purchase a copy of the book, it’s a steal at that price!

Book Links

Goodreads :

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Keith’s Bio

Keith Anthony Baird has written a number of works, all of which can be found using your browser – get busy!

He lives in Cumbria, in the United Kingdom, on the edge of the Lake District National Park.

Keith’s Links


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Website :

Why not check out other stop on the tour?

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